Contribution of KKE at the ICW Meeting in Minsk, Belarus


Speech by General Secretary of the CC of KKE,
cde Aleka Paparigha

"The 90th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.
The timeliness and eternal value of its ideas.
Communists in the struggle against imperialism and for socialism."

Dear comrades,

We are especially pleased that this year's international meeting of our Communist and Workers' Parties, on the subject of the 90th anniversary of the Great October Revolution, is being hosted in the capital of a former Socialist Republic, Belarus. We salute the events that will follow in Moscow.

       The October Revolution was a momentous event, the greatest in the 20th century, and is still, to this day, setting its seal on the course of humankind. Since 1917, international capitalism has been obliged to put the existence of this "rival force" as the first item on its political agenda.

       The historic contribution of socialism to the 20th century has been inherited by the modern revolutionary movement, a valuable trust for the future, and as such we must study it and defend it against the class hatred it has aroused in the bourgeois class and its allies.

       Thanks to the October Socialist Revolution, conditions were created for people's rights to be put in practice, which was unknown to the working people in even the most developed capitalist countries.

       The gains by workers and farmers, women and young people under the Soviet state acted in favour of the working people in the capitalist countries. It was a basic factor that obliged the bourgeois government parties, liberal and social democratic, to make concessions to the working class.

       These gains under the Soviet government still constitute an unreachable dream for the working class, the workers and broad masses of the people in all the capitalist countries, even the most developed.

       Our assessment is that the reversal of the socialist system was a counter-revolution that brought about a major social regression, not only in the USSR and the other socialist European countries, but also to any gains that the working people had achieved in the capitalist countries.

       We reject the word "collapse" of the socialist system, since it attributes the nature of necessity to the counter-revolutionary process, hides the social clash and the prerequisites for its evolution into an open class struggle.

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Solidaritetsbrev överlämnats - H parastasi diamartyrias egine simera

I dag, den 6 november 2007, överlämnades ett protestbrev till Ungerns ambassad i Stockholm. Vi protesterade mot och fördömde de Ungerska Myndigheternas juridiska förfarande inför den 6e november i Szekesfehervar, som ett hämndlystet angrepp mot UKAP (Ungerns Kommunistiska Arbetar Parti), när dess Presidium ställs inför domstol.

Ambassadören vägrade att ta emot oss men personalen från ambassaden träffade oss vid grinden och tog emot brevet som undertecknades av följade partier:
SKP (Sveriges Kommunistiska Parti)                                           

KP (Kommunistiska Partiet)

Greklands Kommunistiska parti (KKE) Sveriges organisation  

Chiles Kommunistiska Parti i Sverige                    

Bolivias Kommunistiska Parti i Sverige                                                                              

FMLN El Salvador i Sverige

FSLN Nicaragua i Sverige

Irans Tudehparti i Sverige

Vi kommer att fortsätta protestera och solidarisera oss med de ungerska kamraterna och alla andra kamrater som angrips av kapitalet och de borgeliga staterna.

Simera, 6 Noembri 2007 egine mia parastasi diamartyrias exo apo tin Ouggriki presbeia stin Stokxolmi gia tis dioxeis kommouniston stin Ouggaria.
O presbis tis Ouggarias sti Souidia, arnithike na mas dextei alla ena atomo apo to prosopiko tis presbeias parelabe to gramma diamartyrias poy ypografontan apo ta parakato kommata:
Kommunistiko Komma Souidias
Kommounistiko Komma (proin maoiko)
NE Skandinavias tou KKE
KK Xilis, organosi Souidias
KK Bolibias, organosi Souidias
FMLN El Salbador, organosi Souidias
FSLN Nicaragua, organosi Souidias
Toudex Iran, organosi Souidias

O agonas allileggyis stous kommounistes tis Ouggarias alla kai se kathe alli xora tha synexistei.


Video som är gjord av KNE (Greklands kommunistisk Ungdom) på engelska om förföljelser mot kommunister


Binteo apo tin KNE gia tis dioxeis enantia stous kommounistes

Joint Appeal: Stop the judicial and political witch-hunt against Hungarian communists!

We, the undersigned parties note with deep concern that a state court is threatening to imprison the entire leadership of the Hungarian Communist Workers' Party (HCWP) for having committed "libel in a public place".

Our conviction is that putting political leaders on trial and banning their parties is the work of dictatorships, not democracies. The action of the Hungarian authorities violates all democratic norms.

We strongly condemn the political persecution directed by the judicial authorities against the HCWP, as a part of the anticommunist witch-hunt against communists in Europe and against all those who fight against mass privatisation of hospitals, schools, cutting down of social expenditures and other forms of neoliberal policy.

We consider this clear manoeuvre of the Hungarian authorities as a vengeful assault against the Hungarian Communists, and call on for international solidarity in defence of the legal and political rights of the HWCP.

We demand immediate stop of the judicial process against the leaders of the Hungarian communists.

We call upon Prime Minister Gyurcsany and the government of Hungary to step back from the abyss and keep its promises of political freedom, by cancelling all charges against the leadership of the HCWP.

The Parties

Communist Party of Albania

Communist Party of Argentina

Progressive Tribune Bahrein

Communist Party of Bangladesh

Communist Party of Belarus

Communist Party of Brazil [PCdoB]

Workers' Party of Belgium

Communist Party of Bolivia

Workers Communist Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Communist Party of Britain

New Communist Party of Britain

Communist Party of Canada

Socialist Workers´ Party of Croatia

Communist Party of Cuba

Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia, Czech Republic

AKEL, Cyprus

Communist Party in Denmark, KPiD

Communist Party of Finland

French Communist Party

German Communist Party

Communist Party of Greece

Hungarian Communist Workers' Party

Communist Party of India

Communist Party of India [Marxist]

Tudeh Party, Iran

Iraqi Communist Party

Communist Party of Ireland

Communist Party of Israel

Party of the Italian Communists, PdCI

Jordanian Communist Party

Socialist Party of Latvia

Socialist Party of Lithuania

Lebanese Communist Party

Communist Party of Luxembourg

Party of the Communists, Mexico

New Communist Party of the Netherlands

Communist Party of Norway

Party of the People, Panama

Peruan Communist Party

Communist Party of Poland

Portuguese Communist Party

PKP-1930, the Philippine Communist Party

Socialist Alliance Party, Romania

Communist Party of the Russian Federation

New Communist Party of Yugoslavia, Serbia

Communist Party of Slovakia

Party of the Communists of Cataluna, Spain

Communist Party of Peoples of Spain

Communist Party of Sri Lanka

Sudanese Communist Party

South African Communist Party

Communist Party of Sweden

Syrian Communist Party

Syrian Communist Party

Communist Party of Turkey

Party of Labour, Turkey [EMEP]

Appeal: Let the people decide! We say no to the new EU treaty

Appeal by communist and workers' parties of EU countries

Let the people decide! -- We say NO to the new EU Treaty

The European Union is on the way to become a political, economic and military »Great power«. The leading politicians of the EU, who are not representing the people but rather the interests of the great industry, of the banks and of imperialism, have taken the necessary decisions for this development.

The so called »Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe«, that was meant to speed up this strategy, has collapsed due to the vote of the people in France and in the Netherlands as well as due to the broad resistance of the people in the EU countries. The ruling forces are now aiming to adopt a so called »reform treaty« or »EU Treaty«, aimed to implement and to force a policy of social destruction and of militarization in a more reactionary direction and on conventional basis, against the interests of the people. The military policy of the EU goes in direct concurrency with the aggressive policy of the USA and is at the same time deepening the dependence on the US policy. With the aim to deprive the peoples from their vested right to directly decide, the new text will be called »EU Treaty« instead of »Constitution«. This treaty shall be discussed and adopted by an Intergovernmental Conference behind closed doors.

The undersigned Communist and workers parties of EU countries say NO to such new Treaty as well as to the method of its adoption behind the people's back. All people - be they workers, peasants, employees, unemployed, homeless, pupils or students - must have the same right to decide as the politicians, no matter whether in the national legislation of their countries the possibility for a referendum is given or not.

  • We demand the total disclosure of the entire content of the »EU Treaty« including all supplementary previsions.
  • We demand to put the »EU Treaty« for decision by the peoples of all EU countries.
  • We call upon the citizen in all EU countries:
Say NO to the organized social destruction and to the further militarization of the EU!
Say NO to the new »EU Treaty«!

Communist Party of Belgium Wallonie Bruxelles
Communist Party of Flanders
Workers' Party of Belgium (PTB)

Communist Party of Britain
New Communist Party of Britain

Communist Party of Bulgaria
Party of the Bulgarian Communists (former Bulgarian CP G. Dimitrov)

The Progressive Party of the Working People-AKEL (Cyprus)

Czech Republic
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia

Communist Party in Denmark
Communist Party of Denmark

Communist Party of Finland

German Communist Party (DKP)

Communist Party of Greece (KKE)

Hungarian Communist Workers' Party

Communist Party of Ireland
The Workers' Party of Ireland

Socialist Party of Latvia

Socialist Party of Lithuania

Communist Party of Luxembourg (KPL)

New Communist Party of the Netherlands

Socialist Alliance Party Romania

Communist Party of Peoples of Spain

Communist Party of Sweden

Joint position of Communist, Workers', progressive and left-wing parties, regarding the European Union treaty

Joint position of Communist, Workers', progressive and left-wing parties, regarding the European Union treaty

The Parties that subscribe to this joint statement denounce the real and stated goal of the current reform of the European Union treaties: to recover the essential contents of a previously rejected draft treaty, whilst at the same time seeking to avoid a democratic debate and the expression of the peoples' will, namely through referendums.

This attempt is unacceptable and is a profound disrespect for democracy and for the sovereign will, expressed by the French and Dutch peoples, in the 2005 referendums.

If it were to be ratified in the various countries, this treaty would represent a new qualitative leap in the configuration of the European Union as an economic, political and military block contrary to the interests of the workers and the peoples; a new step towards the institutionalisation of neo-liberalism, the promotion of militarism and a stronger domination by the leading great powers of the European Union already implemented by the cornerstones of the EU building: the Maastricht, Amsterdam and Nice treaties and the Lisbon Strategy.

This treaty is impregnated with neo-liberal policies that will further jeopardise economic and social gains of the workers and the peoples, whether through the liberalisation of markets, the primacy of competition or the monetarist policies that do not take into account growth and employment; or by dismantling and privatising public services, in keeping with the interests of the big economic and financial groups.

This treaty promotes the militarisation of the European Union within the framework of NATO and in coordination with the USA, an increase in military spending, an arms race and the militarisation of international relations.

This treaty counters the interests and aspirations of the workers and peoples of Europe. We say NO both to the new Treaty and to the antidemocratic process that tries to impose it.

The right of each people to have their say on a treaty which has such profound consequences for the present and the future of each of their countries and of Europe must be guaranteed, through a broad and democratic debate and through the expression of the popular will.

With full confidence in the possibility of a different Europe, of cooperation, economic and social progress and peace, the Communist, workers', progressive and left-wing Parties that undersign this joint position agree to promote a series of actions in their own countries and on a multilateral level, in order to struggle for the rejection of this Treaty and to demand broad and democratic popular debates and the expression of the peoples' will in the various European Union Countries, namely through referendums.

List of endorsing Parties:

  • Communist Party (Flanders) - Belgium
  • Communist Party (Wallonia) - Belgium
  • Workers' Party of Belgium
  • Communist Party of Britain
  • Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia
  • Communist Party of Bulgaria
  • Party of the Bulgarian Communists
  • AKEL (Cyprus)
  • Communist Party of Denmark
  • Communist Party in Denmark
  • Communist Party of Finland
  • French Communist Party
  • German Communist Party
  • Communist Party of Greece
  • Hungarian Communist Workers' Party
  • Communist Party of Ireland
  • The Workers' Party of Ireland
  • Party of the Italian Communists
  • Socialist Party of Latvia
  • Communist Party of Luxemburg
  • New Communist Party of the Netherlands
  • Communist Party of Poland
  • Portuguese Communist Party
  • Socialist Alliance Party (Romania)
  • Communist Party of Spain
  • United Left (Spain)
  • Communist Party of People of Spain
  • Party of the Communists of Cataluna

On the results of the National Elections of September 16th, 2007 (på engelska)


Announcement of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE)

The Central Committee of KKE met to make a first evaluation of the results of the National Elections held on September 16th. The final conclusions will be drawn after the discussion and evaluation of the results in the Party Organizations. Such discussions will also take place in the Communist Youth (KNE), as well as with the people that cooperated with the Party, with the Party supporters and friends. This activity should develop simultaneously with the deployment of a more ample mass action of the Party in face of the great problems that are accentuating, on the basis and on the estimations that we have put forward openly before the people during the electoral campaign about the anti-popular offensive that we expect.

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